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Next Culture?

To create Next Culture we need your Archetypal Lineage.

We need your heart to follow the inner call and go beyond comfort and predictability of modern life.

It is the doorway to a radical different way to be human that we can’t even imagine before.

We can’t prepare in our mind.

We can go step by step. Together.


Kia ora, I’m Ana

I deliver 5-body thought ware upgrades in trainings and coaching for couples, individuals and teams with the context of radical responsibility, weaving Love, Transformation and Clarity to create safe spaces for sustainable inner change.

I’m holding the space for Possibility Management New Zealand and welcome everyone who feels the impulse to explore the Possibility Management Trainer Path.

For those who want to learn the Skills of Space Holding I offer Trainer Spaces dedicated to learn and practice tools and develop skills that support the creation of safe spaces.

I am a passionate community researcher and facilitator of specific processes for supporting your Community.


Listen to participant voices

If I Change, The World will Change.