Dear Everything,
How has your landing been?
I returned home and found Amelie sick, very soft and cuddly, and ready to spend lots of time together. I have been enjoying being with each other.
Thank you again for your fierce commitment to be. To become more woman, to be in each other’s presence with tears, hugs, laughs, yelling, shaking…
The village deserves to hear your legend about your discoveries. Be generous in sharing what has shifted for you, and what has opened or closed. If the woman knows the way to the labyrinth and back… What are you waiting for? Let the air, the fire, the earth, and the water know about you!!!
If you need anything, please let me know.
Love, Ana
TELEGRAM GROUPS: add yourself by clicking on the name of the group you want to enter. I can also add you if you prefer, just let me know.
THE VILLAGE (NZ) to share celebrations, and legends, ask for EHPs, for listening spaces, research, connect with others, etc.
POSSIBILITY CREATION VILLAGE (Global) to share celebrations, and legends, ask questions, find your team, for listening spaces, research, etc.
EMOTIONAL HEALING PROCESSES COLLABORATION GROUP (Global) Ask for Emotional Healing Processes in the international community.
PM EVENTS (NZ) to know what is on in NZ.
PM EVENTS (global) to know what is on globally.
HEALING TEAM on this website you will find people who are holding space for Emotional Healing Processes (EHP).
SPARKS Subscribe here to receive Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge. Written by Clinton Callahan
SPACEPORT Explore endless possibilities
BOOKS AND MOVIES I recommend starting with “Conscious Feelings” or “Building Love that Lasts”.
EXPAND THE BOX TRAINING // Jul 27-30 2023, Auckland More information and registration here
EXPAND THE BOX TRAINING // Aug 16-20 2023, Motueka More information and registration here
DEEPENING LOVE // Intimacy Journey for couples // (max. 8 couples ) Sep 21-24 2023, Takaka More information and registration here.
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