Welcome to Expand the Box

Everything begins with a choice. Choose your life.

This 4-5 day residential training opens doors into radical, responsible adulthood.


What is Expand the Box?

Imagine your identity as one side of this coin, and this is what is your story about yourself and your life, 
how you know your family and how you know your talent and what you can't, what you can do.

And all of this is determined by this story. And in The Expand the Box training, you get everything what is needed to flip the coin.

And on the other side of the coin is nothing. 


So the answer is up tp you. What do you want to create in that side of the coin?

Expand The Box is the core Training and qualifies you to attend a Possibility Lab.

The training day starts at 9 am and ends at 10 pm with the exception of the last day which ends at 4 pm.

Training fee: $700-950 sliding scale + logistics fee.

For repeaters, the sliding scale starts at:

2nd ETB $400 / 3rd ETB $200 / 4th ETB $100. No training fee from the 5th ETB.

" You Have A Box. You Are Not Your Box. "


Meet Your Trainer

Hey! My name is Ana Norambuena.

"We are the ones We have been waiting for.”

An evolutionary path for creating the Next Culture of thriving humans.

This work is for the Change makers.

The Innovators and the Creators.

The ones who feel there is a better way to Live.

A deeper way to love.

A more fulfilling way to connect and relate with ourselves & each other.

Those who are ready to start living their Souls True Purpose.

This work is for the Warriors here to open the way into the World of New Possibilities for our coming Next Culture of Humanity.

Empowered. Thriving. Together as one team. 

Are you ready to dive into the endless world of possibilities?

Expand the Box will give you possibilities to.....

  • Be present and centered

  • Navigate feelings & emotions

  • Live in the now and find the way to let go of past patterns

  • Find out what is blocking you from being authentically yourself & find possibilities for transformation

  • Establish authentic contact with fellow human beings

  • Communicate with clarity

  • Shift drama into creation

  • Work in collaboration

  • Unfold your potential and giving your soul a voice

  • Reveal the unconscious part in you: your underworld

Listen to participant voices

Expand The Box is the core training from Possibility Management and qualifies you to attend a Possibility Lab.


4/5-day residential Training

The training day starts at 9am and ends on 10pm with exception of the last day which ends at 4pm.

Training fee: $650-950 sliding scale + logistics fee

For repeaters the sliding scale starts at: 2nd ETB $400 / 3rd ETB $200 / 4th ETB $100

No training fee from the 5th ETB